The 5 Minute Golf Warmup Routine to Avoid Injury
Warming up before playing any sport is important because without a warm up, you greatly increase the chances of getting injured. Golfers are prone to back injuries because golf is an asymmetrical sport with the top and bottom halves of the body twisting in opposing directions.
In this video Dr. Ted Omura demonstrates five important warm up stretches with Trevor Miller, the Director of Golf at Green Hills Country Club. All total, these five stretches should only take about five minutes to complete and they target the lower back, mid-back & shoulder, hips, rotator cuff, hip flexors, external rotators and hamstrings.
Of course, only you know your own body so if you need to repeat a stretch or need more time to warm up before your golf game, take that extra time to avoid injury. If you feel pain from your golf game or other repetitive movement, ice the area and the pain should be gone within 48 hours. If it lasts longer than that, call your chiropractor or healthcare professional.